Memories of Previous Lives

More and more Westerners are becoming comfortable with discussing the past-life memories of themselves and their children. You see these memories recounted in Facebook posts, YouTube videos, popular books and other forums. This trend toward greater openness is very welcome, because past-life memories have remained underground for too long in Western culture. Our religions deny and our sciences seem to rule out the possibility of reincarnation, and so these memories have often been suppressed.

This has had an unfortunate result. Because we do not normally share these memories with each other, we do not realize how they common they are, and people (children and adults) who experience them often do not know how to deal with them. Moreover, we do not realize that the memories are only one aspect of an experience of reincarnation that includes behaviors and physical features and may involve the mother as well as her child.

Signs of Reincarnation

Research on the Reincarnation Experience

The Cross-Cultural Perspective